Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog!
Today I have something a little more interesting for you, as earlier today I visited a place called Butterfly World in Preston Park, Yarm. Butterfly World is a centre which shows many different beautiful butterfly species and a miniature replica of their natural habitat, with tropical plants and warm, dry conditions. With the mesmerising patterns each animal has, you feel a sense of calmness as they flutter around your head and gracefully swoop around the leaves of the trees. In this post, I'll share with you some of the close-up snaps I got of these carefree creatures...
Starting with my favourite one of a paper kite butterfly, one of the most delicate and angelic species. This species stays true to its name - it daintily floats through the air, much like a sheet of paper would, gently bobbing up and down as it goes.
Personally, I love this photo because although the butterfly stands out as it is with the black and white, the pink pop of the flowers make it stand out even more.
As you may be able to tell from the bright orange fish at the bottom of this photo, I was walking around a pond when this caught my eye. I noticed this butterfly almost straight away, as it seemed to be inviting me to come over. Laying perfectly still, I took the opportunity to take a photo of it - and I'm so glad I did!
As I watched this butterfly drifting over me, I waited until it landed so I could get a closer look. I was fascinated by it because of its clear wings and striking white stripe, meaning I knew I needed to give it a closer inspection (and to prove to myself that I wasn't going insane - that this butterfly didn't have a chunk missing from it!).
I spotted this beauty perched on a leaf and noticed, like the butterfly above, it had an interesting structure - with some hole-like shapes in its wings. I love how the colours of it almost make it look 3D too, despite the fact that it's actually as flat as a pancake (or should I say leaf?)!
That's it for today's post, I hope you liked it since it's a little bit different. I've left you wth some more photos of the paper kite for you to enjoy, but until tomorrow I'm signing off! Thank you for reading...
Holly x