
Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Dainty Daisies

Hey! Welcome to my blog Faithful Photography!

This post is dedicated to those small white wonders of wildlife which are daisies and other white flowers). Personally, I love daisies - I think that a lawn without daisies is a lawn without happiness! Although, everyday we will walk past hundreds of these tiny little flowers without even noticing, so I thought that this post would teach you to appreciate the little things in life, because they're often the most important.

 Like I said in my previous post (Roses are Red, Violets are Blue) my camera roll massively suffered when I went out for the day to a place called Scampston Hall... This photo of these lovely lilac Aster daisies was taken there too. 

 I know this isn't a daisy (oops) but it's close, right?! I took this at a place called Hardwick Park in Durham when I went out for another family walk with my brother, parents and grandparents. There's a lovely lake there which had so many birds and some beautiful dragonflies which dipped and dived through the reeds. Although it was quite cold, it was good fun and I'd recommend going there!

Ropner Park is a beautifully landscaped park in Stockon-on-Tees which has some unreal flower displays during the summer. When I was last there, they had borders filled with flowers of all kinds which lead down to the water fountain where you'll find children filled with joy, making wishes and tossing one pence coins into the crystal clear water. This day, I took plenty of photos and this was one of them! I like this because you can kind of see the raindrops sprinkled on the petals, making it look like it's been touched by a fairy.

Living on the east coast of England means that there's plenty of picturesque little coves and beaches which have quaint but rickety houses overlooking them. One beach here is called Runswick Bay, which is one of the most popular out of them all. Runswick has the sea and sand at the bottom but a long, steep bank to get up to the top of the hill. It was on this bank that I took this photo of this delicate white blossom and I think it looks so cute!

I hope you've enjoyed reading this, but I'm sorry about how long it is - well done if you got to the end!

Holly x